I hope everyone is staying warm and safe this winter season. It got below zero here, and I have gone into full blanket-burrito mode. Even Gilly doesn't want to go out when it's this cold.
I thought it might be fun to talk about what I listen to while I write. I can't listen to songs with words while writing words. They make my brain short-circuit. Most of my background music is from soundtracks. I'm especially fond of video game soundtracks which, by design, stimulate brain function without becoming distracting.
I currently have 44 videos saved to my youtube music playlist. I also have some album playlists scattered about my library. I tend to bounce between them depending on what I'm writing.
One of my favorites for writing action scenes is the soundtrack from Deus Ex: Human Revolution. It's a game I have not played, but I love its music. I discovered the album from a Reddit thread where people were arguing over which game had the best music. Deus Ex always pops up in these type of threads.
Based on the Wikipedia article, Deus Ex is an action RPG set in the far-off future of 2027. You build your hero based on various cyberpunk augmentations for either stealth or combat, and then explore various cyberpunk themes such as megacorps and transhumanism.
I find the music to have an eeriness that is perfect for some of my world-building, and a beat that helps keep me excited for writing action.