Hello friends,
It got really cold here, and with the cold came a whole lot of pain. But now that it's warmer things are better and I can type again.
One thing I learned from the arctic freeze is that I am no longer willing to be my dog's butler. The constant opening and closing of a sliding glass door was really hard on my already aching arms. So I finally broke down and got a dog door. One of those ones that go in the grooves for the door you already have. My awesome brother in law even came in and installed it for me.
Gilly hated it. The bottom of the dog door has a magnetic seal to help keep the weather out, but whenever it closes it makes a slappy sound that she cannot abide, and refuses to negotiate.
It has taken a week of coaxing, patience, and cheese to get her to trust the door and embrace her new found freedom. I still have to hold the flap up for her when she first goes out in the morning. But after we perform the morning ritual of proving that the flappy door will not kill her, she comes and goes as she pleases.