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It turns out that quitting your job, selling your house, and moving across the country in three weeks is incredibly stressful. It can be done, but my immune system has buckled under the pressure and forced me to take some time off.

Nothing brings out my inner Victorian like being sick. I lounge about on the couch, simply incapable of doing anything more strenuous than pressing buttons on my remote control, lest the consumption takes me.

  • Writer's picturecrimsonfallhq

I love soundtracks. Whenever I'm working, or writing, or anything else that requires concentration, I'll put on a soundtrack. I'm especially fond of videogame soundtracks which, by design, stimulate mental activity while remaining in the background. So I listen to a lot of music, but I don't know a lot about it. That's why I was really excited to find the youtube channel, Listening In. I love when I can find a resource that explains why I like something. The video is well designed so that even though I don't understand all the technical aspects, I still understand the points he's making.

For example, this video on the monster themes in Lord of the Rings. The thought of taking something as complex as a character, and distill the essence of that character down to a few notes in a theme is amazing to me.

It's such a fascinating element of storytelling and Listening In does a fantastic job of explaining how it works.

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