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  • Writer's picturecrimsonfallhq

I just discovered this Netflix original. The Charite is a teaching hospital located in Berlin. The show is set in 1888, in German with English subtitles and features many historical scientists such as Robert Koch and Emil von Behring and the beginning of microbiology as we know it. The production values are excellent, the writing is good, and they don't commit the cardinal sin of putting modern people into a historical drama. Definitely worth a watch.

  • Writer's picturecrimsonfallhq

The late 1800s, "The Gilded Age," was an age of invention. The telephone, the light bulb, cameras, motors, and many others were all invented during this time period. In my novel, inventors are referred to as "Tinkers." Tinkers create devices not just for society, but also for the guilds, who fight the evil Abominations. My good friend Jason made some artwork for me, as I struggle to create a decent stick figure. Here is a Tinker:

Of course, the guilds want to snap up as many Tinkers as they can, since the guild with the best gadgets will reap the greatest bounties. At Crimsonfall, Tinkers wear this patch on their uniforms.

See for more of Jason's awesome work

  • Writer's picturecrimsonfallhq

I love video games and while I do my best to wedge them into my busy schedule it can take me a long time to finish a game. So I'm always behind on new games, usually getting to them years after release. But with AC Valhalla, I'm only four months behind! It's practically brand new. I'm enjoying running around Ubisoft's gorgeous 9th century England, and building up the Great Heathen Horde. But the best bit, so far, happened during an escort mission when I accidentally stole my NPC's horse. And then he jumped up behind me anyway, and we rode doubles through Mercia.

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